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Orthopedics Department


Founded in the 1980s, Orthopedics Department was approved as a municipal key discipline by Wenzhou Municipal Health Bureau in 2000. It has established Joint and Trauma Surgery Center of Wenzhou People's Hospital, established the first Orthopedic Trauma Clinical Research Center in Wenzhou in cooperation with Shanghai Changhai Hospital, set up Spine Surgery Center by cooperating with Shanghai Huashan Hospital, and cooperated with Hong Kong Caring Action Foundation to carry out rehabilitation and orthopedic surgeries for the disabled, which has been well praised by the society. At present, there are more than 60 medical and technical personnel, including 4 chief orthopedists and 7 deputy chief orthopedists. There are 19 Master postgraduates. The department has set up specialties of trauma, joint, spine, sports medicine, orthopaedics, as well as hand and foot surgery.

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